Barcode System Reader And Sales on Consignments

A barcode system is a network of hardware and software, consisting primarily of mobile computers, printers, handheld scanners, infrastructure, and supporting software. Barcode systems are used to automate data collection where hand recording is neither timely nor cost effective.
Consignment sales are a trade agreement in which one party (the consignor) provides goods to another party (the consignee) to sell. The consignee has the right to return unsold goods back to the consigner. Consignment sales are also called goods on consignment.
NetSys provides the Add On product for Sales on Consignments and Barcode System to accountable for the goods on consignment left at the premise of the consignee. It can do the stock count by scanning integrate with the physical stock count feature in SAP Business One as well as it can read the Bar Code, Serial or Batch No and Expiry Date.
Sales on Consignment program Add On are created by and installed in Tablet or mobiles. It interfaces with SAP Business One real time by API Web Services or by Scheduling Batch upload to SAP Business One in the evening times.
The Barcode System is able to integrate with Weighting Scale and printout the Barcode/QR Code for Scanning together with the Manufacturing & Expiry Date to print a Label Striker as for individual package or packaging into a box as below: